Wu Dehua is a frustrated young man who has experienced abandonment and crime and starts having suicidal thoughts. However, with the help of the...
The Third Life
Temptation (誘惑) is a 1954 Hong Kong drama film directed by Doe Ching. The film was produced by Runde Shaw for Shaw & Sons Co. Ltd. and...
Shadow in Her Heart
Girls in Transformation is about an experiment conducted by assistant professor at the Shi Liangde University to demonstrate her "non-hereditary...
Girls in Transformation
The eldest daughter of an elderly couple, murders her lover and goes to jail. The youngest daughter, Yin Ni, is taken to her hometown to escape the...
Heart Break Well
Early Shaw Brothers crime film
Love Letter Murder
A woman is fired from her job because she's pregnant. The husband, who's a teacher, needs to get another part-time job as a waiter, to cover the...
Fruit of Marriage
A Shaw and Sons production.
Colorful Tokyo
A Shaw and Sons production
Our Good Daughter
A Shaw and Sons production about a couple who loves each other but end up marrying different people because of parental pressures.
Beauty in the Maelstrom
The Dances of Charm
The Circus
A romantic melodrama about a handsome Korean composer who falls for a Hong Kong singer
Love with an Alien