Infamous burglar "The Bat" commits a daring jewelry theft despite heavy police presence. Soon after, a bank theft occurs, which may be the work of...
The Bat Whispers
In leaving his boarding house to attend a New Year's celebration given by Elizabeth, his sweetheart. Lawrence loses his invitation to the affair....
The Convict's Story
Horace Clark, a young evangelist, first thrashes and then reforms Tim Downs, a drunkard and a gangster. Horace wins the gratitude of Tim and his...
The Award of Justice
Whispering Smith, a railroad detective, is sent to Medicine Bend to suppress the looting of cars.
Medicine Bend
Chief of Police Ivorytop and Chief of Detectives Sherlock Bonehead, of Rottenport, fall in love with Helen, a girl from the city
Sherlock Bonehead
After breaking a mirror in his home, superstitious Max tries to avoid situations which could bring bad luck, but in doing so causes himself the worst...
Seven Years Bad Luck
Though billed second, the stunningly beautiful Louise Brooks is the focal point of the campus comedy Rolled Stockings. It's the old one about two...
Rolled Stockings