During the Wulin Assembly, Blood Demon Luo severely damaged groups of heroes. The leader, Huo Changkong, lost half of his moves in the decisive...
Fist of Fury: Soul
When a young Master Ip stops a kidnapping, he ignites a turf war with a ruthless human-trafficking ring. In retaliation, the gang kidnaps one of Ip...
Ip Man: The Awakening
Su Wen Xing, the first son of the second lady of Su’s Cloth Store, was once determined to get the store’s cachet and succeed his...
Lucky Star
Grandmaster of Heaven is traditional name for immortal villain Tongtian Jiaozhu from Taoist legends. The Tang Dynasty emperor engages a famous...
Detective Dee and Grandmaster of Heaven
By order of the warlord Yan Liben, the father and daughter of Yang clan are forced to set a foot to Shennongjia dense forest. In the forest they are...
Shennong Savage
In 1925, a giant crocodile accidentally escaped from its cage and wounded people wantonly in Beihai City. Seventh Brother Orion and his apprentice...
Mega Crocodile 2