When a young art seller is surprisingly reconciled with her long-lost best friend, both are drawn into a series of frightening supernatural events at...
Muoi: The Curse Returns
Tri, a romantic and idealistic music producer, finds himself in a talent raising competition against Minh, an aggressive and pragmatic producer....
The Talent
A rags to riches story of unusual circumstance. 'Huong Ga - Rise' is the story of Dieu. Chronicling the highs and lows of Vietnam's most notorious...
LOVE explores the relationship between friends, family, and lovers. This story begins with the origins of a blossoming friendship between two...
Love: Yeu
Director Timothy Linh Bui said that the idea of making a movie about vampires like "Sun Man" came from his thoughts about...
Người Mặt Trời
Saigon Bodyguards follows the intense and hilarious journey of two professional bodyguards tasked with their most important assignment ever.
Saigon Bodyguards
Hà Mi is a young musician that has a great passion for composing music. G-Feel - a genius musician of Korea, who is facing with the pressure...
Love Again
This is a psychological film exploring the love story revolving around two beautiful women - Thien Kim and Bao Nhi. Face to face in a game where only...
Sister Sister
For 10 years, Palm has been stuck in the friend zone with his best friend, Gink. He has had feelings for her since high school and even tried...
Friend Zone
In the wake of her husband's betrayal, a novelist and mother moves to an old building, where she receives a music box and encounters a strange spirit.
Conjuring Spirit