Takarazuka Cosmos Troupe. The first installment of Tanaka Yoshiki's Legend of the Galactic Heroes was published in November 1982, and since then...
Legend of the Galactic Heroes @ Takarazuka
Takarazuka Cosmos Troupe 2009 adaptation of Casablanca
Casablanca (Takarazuka)
Takarazuka Revue's 2002 production of the Viennese musical Elisabeth. It portrays the life and death of Empress Elisabeth of Austria, wife of Emperor...
Elisabeth ~The Rondo of Love and Death~
Takarazuka Snow Troupe production based on the manga by Ikeda Riyoko
The Rose of Versailles: Fersen
A romantic tale of a young man who risks and grows up through his love for a female vampire.
Silver Rose Chronicle
Moon Troupe's stage play.
The Great Gatsby