In this thriller, television reporter Kate Ryan de Meléndez investigates the death of two radical Puerto Rican activists, whom she begins to...
A Show of Force
A festive, tropical Christmas in Puerto Rico is what Jennifer and Papotico are most looking forward to. Both young people are filled with musical...
Bala perdida
Filmed in Puerto Rico and the Bronx, this documentary pays homage to two forms of traditional Puerto Rican music: la bomba and la plena. This film...
Documentary about the life of one of the most acclaimed soneros of the salsa genre. Chamaco Ramírez became well known for his unparalleled...
Alive and Kicking: la historia de Chamaco Ramírez
Assassin Robert Rath arrives at a funeral to kill a prominent mobster, only to witness a rival hired gun complete the job for him -- with grisly...