In 2017, in the wake of the newly-elected President Trump's mysterious tragic fall from the balcony of Trump Tower, Barack Obama declares himself...
Obamaland Part 1: Rise of the Trumpublikans
In this two-part Rashomon-esque mini-series, a TV journalist investigates a rich politician and his family after a dead body is found on their...
Thursday the 12th
A top tabloid journalist poses as a political fundraiser to get dirt on the prime minister, but things take a turn when the two begin to fall for one...
Me & Mrs. Jones
A group of four trans-cultural friends are forced to re-evaluate their emotionally conflicted lives following a visit from an ex-military cousin who...
The Disciple
Beverly Hills banker/workaholic Jennifer comes home to her small Northern California town just before Christmas when her dad, Ted, takes a bad fall...
Dear Secret Santa