Darcy is a cop who is also a supehero named Black Scorpion at night who kicks and beats evildoers to a pulp. She soon catches wind of an asthmatic...
Black Scorpion
In this hilariously horrifying Halloween special hosted by Tempestt Bledsoe and Darryl M. Bell, three celebrity teams led by Jaleel White, Shoniqua...
Make Me Scream
Freely adapted from Pluto's book by screenwriters Hank Perlman and Michael Berg, New Jersey Turnpikes is about the dying days of the ABA and how the...
New Jersey Turnpikes
Fraternity and sorority members clash with other students at a historically black college during homecoming weekend.
School Daze
A Japanese Yakuza gangster's deadly existence in his homeland gets him exiled to Los Angeles, where he is taken in by his little brother and his...
Aspiring writer (with no talent) gets a job on a TV commercial, falls for an advertising executive.
Mr. Write