Prajñāpāramitā AKA Mitin who runs a Kolkata Police detective agency is summoned by Jariwala, an eminent Parsi businessman, to...
Mitin Mashi
Hotel franchise conglomerate Debraj Singh murders his partner Bipasha Mitra's stepbrother, Ashoke. Kolkata Police detective Ekendra Sen solves the...
The Eken
Panchali travels from Kolkata to Lucknow and discovers her grandmother's secret biryani recipe. During this journey, she also discovers interesting...
Kolkata natives Ritoban and Anindita rekindle their college romance after years apart. Amidst the city's timeless essence, they grapple with...
Shohorer Ushnotomo Din E
Ghawre Bairey Aaj is inspired by Rabindranath Tagore's novel 'Ghawre Bairey' (Home and the World) and is a contemporary retelling of love triangle...
Ghawre Bairey Aaj
10 years after The Bong Connection, The Bongs Again is a journey of two young women. Sara, in her 20s, comes to Kolkata from the UK to look for her...
The Bongs Again
A famous cartoonist gets entangled in a mystery.
Madam Sengupta
Pablo Majumdar, Aditi Mitra, and Swatilekha Sen working in different IT companies cross paths in the professional sphere where a series of events...
Mainak Bhaumik's film, Bhaggyo Lokkhi, will be released in theaters on January 10, 2025.
Bhaggyo Lokkhi