Hunter, a young autistic man who has just relocated to New York City, finds himself in the middle of a hot and sweaty New York summer struggling to...
Ordinary World
Leopold De Angeli is a talented playwright, but like many scribes he fancies the drink a little too much. In the hopes of saving Leopold's life, his...
Whiskey School
A serial killer is stalking New York. Inspector Edward X. Delaney is an NYPD detective, nearing retirement, who is trying to put together the pieces...
The First Deadly Sin
A New York stockbroker introduces a girlfriend to his buddy from out of town, then regrets it.
Virginia embarks on a quest for freedom during the last explosive weekend of Coney Island's renowned amusement park. After the reappearance of her...
Lucky Days
Wendy the witch has low self-esteem. She doesn’t believe she has any witch power until she makes a new friend who convinces her try something...
The Witch Who Was Afraid of Witches
New York City police detective Anthony is torn between following the rules and being a good son. Caretaker of his debilitated mother Joyce, Tony...
Bad for Good