This comedy of the absurd is set in the Nazi puppet Independent State of Croatia (NDH) during World War II. The hero, Ljiljan is a young peasant poet...
National Hero Lily Vidic
The main character Struja (Stream) is an unyielding rock musician in a demo-band called When Dirty Harry Met Dirty Sally. Struja would do anything to...
Play Me a Love Song
A two-part omnibus consisting of b/w comedy about a group of friends who try to cover up a murder, and thriller set in an abandoned warehouse where...
24 Hours
It’s inspiring true story about two thirteen-year-old girls who were, on the eve of World War II, great dancing and acting stars in Zagreb....
Lea and Darija
Croatia, seven years after bankruptcy. There is a fight going on in the world - water has become more precious than oil. In order to get hold of it,...
The Last Serb in Croatia
"Sleep Sweet, My Darling" shows a bittersweet coming of age of Tomica Skrinjar, starting at the tail end of World War II in 1945.
Sleep Sweet, My Darling
There are reasons for loving you less and paths that always lead back to you.
Over and Over Again
Four close friends, Lovro (21), Nenad (20), Stevan (22), and Ivan (20), fought against the Ustashas and Nazis by joining the partisans in WWII....
Beautiful Evening, Beautiful Day