Derek Blore, MP, enjoys both a happy successful political career and a sideline in the suburbs. When his two political lives become confused, with an...
Blore M.P.
Mr and Mrs Desmond Howard Jones invite you to the wedding of their daughter Mariella to Dominic Frazer.
Hedgehog Wedding
Play about two elderly cancer patients suffering in hospital.
Going Gently
Number 27
Rose and Antonia are two old friends who meet up again after the second world war. Unhappy in their relationships, they plan to 'accidentally' murder...
Dead Gorgeous
The film centers on the experiences of Robert Lawrence MC, an officer of the Scots Guards during the Falklands War of 1982. While fighting at the...
"That order to scatter was as good as a death sentence to those merchant ships. And there isn't one officer or rating who doesn't agree with me." A...
P.Q. 17