This romantic drama follows two policemen whose job is to investigate the lives of foreigners who have applied for Swiss citizenship. Among the...
The Swissmakers
Emil Feuerabend
Emil Unvergessliche Geschichten
Emil - E wie Emil träumt
Emil Eine kabarettistische Lesung
A comedy directed by Rolf Lyssy.
Cassette Love
An intimate documentary about the life and times of Swiss poet and folk singer Mani Matter (1936-1972), seen from his friends' perspective.
Mani Matter - Warum syt dir so truurig?
Emil - Nachts auf der Hauptwache
Pitschi - das Bilderbuchkino
90 years of Emil Steinberger - a film about courage, love and the tireless urge to constantly reinvent oneself.
Typisch Emil
Directed by Kurt Gloor
Die plötzliche Einsamkeit des Konrad Steiner
Emil auf der Post
Unvergässlichi Gschichte - Dialekt
Cirque de Pic
Alles Emil, oder?!
Emil - No Einisch!
"Emil – 10 Tipps zum Jahreswechsel" am Silvesterabend