Rabbit Max, a juvenile shoplifter, gets trapped in an old-fashioned school. With rabbit girl Emmy, he acquires Easter Rabbits' secret skills, battles...
Rabbit School: Guardians of the Golden Egg
Max, a city rabbit, reaches his goal of joining the master class for Easter rabbits but when the magical golden egg turns black, Max and his friends...
Rabbit Academy: Mission Eggpossible
On the outskirts of a city, two brothers live in a run-down apartment. When the older one hits a run of bad luck, he gets himself a gun and...
Staub vor der Sonne
In a powerful story about teamwork, acceptance and finding one's calling, little Raven and his friends take part in an exciting and tumultuous race...
Raven the Little Rascal - The Big Race
Little Raven and his friends embark on a big treasure hunt. Competing against the beavers they have to solve riddles and navigate great dangers in...
Raven the Little Rascal - Hunt for the Lost Treasure