The film revolves around a girl who tries to commit suicide because of her family's torture, but another person comes to save her from death. She...
Ismail Yassin for sale!
Hussein, a shy young man, is desperately in love with Samiha. However, Samiha is more interested in her singing and dancing cousin Lucy. Admiring...
Eshaet Hob
The jobless Somaa is happily married to Lola. He finds a job as a secretary at a fashion house owned by the spinster Howayda, who lives with her...
My Wife's Suitor
Amshir works as a bodyguard in the cabaret owned by his Medhat al-Shamshiri, and a court sentences Medhat to a month in prison after he burned the...
30 Days in Prison
Banat bahari
Awatif, the dancer, loves Jamil, the musician at the nightclub where she works, even though they are both married. The lovers get a chance to be...
Couples and summer
Fatima learns from Dr. Wahid Farid that her husband left her a letter before his death, informing her that he intends to commit suicide. When he goes...
Musician Farid lives a careless life, actress Laila loves him but he does not feel it, while those around him try to bring him closer to Laila, Nadia...
Story of a Lifetime
Two brothers, the first is a swindler who asks his brother, who looks like him, to replace him in his business after he is chased by his opponents,...
The Impostor