After surviving a helicopter crash in the uncharted South African wilderness, two young men, a girl and a renegade thief discover an ancient city...
The Lost City
Set in modern-day South Africa, it tells the story of Anna Bruwer, who avenges years of abuse suffered at the hands of her stepfather and the court...
Dis ek, Anna
Set in 1962 MANDELA’S GUN is a political thriller, based on Mandelas African Odyssey. As Commander-in-Chief of the Liberation Army Umkhonto we...
Mandela's Gun
A story of love and friendship set against the violence of Apartheid in South Africa. It is a story of the ups and downs of the lives of the three...
A Million Colours
When her husband abruptly ends their marriage, empty nester Kate embarks on a solo second honeymoon in Africa, finding purpose and potential romance.
Holiday in the Wild
A drama that chronicles the life of Winnie Mandela from her childhood through her marriage and her husband's incarceration.
Winnie Mandela