The old and overcrowded penitentiaries are just a memory. Inmates now serve their sentence in a state of deep sleep that renders them harmless, and...
The daily routine of a young couple is disturbed by some shocking news. A strange dream appears to herald a terrible and, at the same time, wonderful...
Holy Son
In a police station in a small village, a sergeant interrogates a young and frightened postman, known as "Cacasotto". He, normally known for being...
We Were Children
La particella fantasma
January 6, 1980. President of the Sicily Piersanti Mattarella is going to Mass with his family when a young man approaches his car and shoots him in...
Il delitto Mattarella
A tale of the three funerals for the ashes of Italian writer Luigi Pirandello intertwined with a murder committed by a young Sicilian immigrant boy...
Leonora addio
Sequel to the award-winning 2007 film, Stomach 2 tells the tasty and bloody dispute between a faction leader and an Italian boss for control of the...
Estomago 2: The Cookfather