The story of the eventful life of George W. Bush—his struggles and triumphs, how he found both his wife and his faith—and the critical...
A subversive tale that interlaces five stories set in Los Angeles, where no taboo is left unexplored as each character careens toward a dark and...
Burning Palms
A Texas publishing exec who's on the wagon and in A.A., walks in on his wife in bed with another man, and in the nasty divorce that follows, he falls...
Ex-Navy Seal Bobby Kalinowski lives a quiet, peaceful life as a landscape architect in an LA suburb with his wife Dawn and 16 year old daughter...
Wrong Side of Town
Jose, a devout Catholic, loses his faith when his family is tragically taken from him.
The Abandoned One
Jack Harriman becomes a spiritual celebrity after debunking Reverend Guy Roy on a public-access TV show. While on the road speaking his brand of...
Divine Access