The story begins at the end of the first Kako movie. The survivors meet up with a group of other barricaded survivors and must take care of the...
Evil - In the Time of Heroes
In the midst of the world’s most harrowing war, a young soldier arrives at an abandoned monastery in search of his father. However, he soon...
The Prophet
A journalist returns to a dark, virtually unrecognizable Athens to investigate his best friend's murder. The victim's girlfriend gives him a hand but...
The film follows the parallel and entwining stories as well as the common fates of some very different young people for 24 hours in the summertime:...
A film with a thematic self-awareness .
Τα Νεοκλασικά - Ούτε Γάτα Ούτε Ζημιά
Two young Greek filmmakers seeking financers for their film "The End of the Passion" end up with an almost forgotten old-time porn-king producer. He...
Extremely Non-Graphic
Στο Σύρμα
Athens in August becomes the place where a group of young people live, fall in love and have fun - guided by, and communicating through, the Internet.
Five people gather in a house, totally unable to decide about the burial of their friend who just passed away. Their microcosm resembles the city...
The extramarital adventures of a female volleyball team coach, a best friend and a buddy who fall in love at the same woman a hopelessly mismatched...
Amore Mio
Free Will
Vicki and Fedon are two marriage counselors who have, seemingly, solved all their marital problems. Although their false happiness is exposed when...
Μεταξύ Φίλων
After suspecting that their police officer neighbor is a serial killer
Η Ωραία Ελένη