This expansive Greek drama follows a troupe of theater actors as they perform around their country during World War II. While the production that...
The Travelling Players
Eirini and Stella are two old maids and sisters who have grown up in the provinces and now live in Athens, in an apartment that looks out onto an...
Love Wanders in the Night
Two Greek children embark on a journey to search for their father, who supposedly lives in Germany.
Landscape in the Mist
The first part of an incomplete trilogy telling the story of the greek people. The film begins in 1919, with Greek immigrants from Odessa arriving...
The Weeping Meadow
Alexander, a tribal warlord and former political prisoner, kidnaps British tourists, holding them for ransom until Britain and the Greek puppet...
Alexander the Great
After the death of her father a young woman who was a student in Germany suffers a nervous breakdown and withdraws inside herself. Her younger...
Such a Long Absence
A wild tale of mistaken identity set during the Nazi occupation of Greece and starring the great Thanasis Vengos. Thanasis is called upon, during the...
What Did You Do in the War, Thanassi?
Returning from a business trip to Rhodes, Markos finds out that his sick son has been kidnapped. He agrees to pay the ransom that the kidnappers...
A wretch jobber tries to find the money to build the house promised to groom, to repay the truck he drives and help a poor girl, who has been...
Thanasis, Take Your Gun
A police officer tries to discover the murderer of his brother, who was a pianist and a morphine. As a member of the Drug Enforcement Department, he...
Abuse of authority
An incorruptible examiner finds the real culprit of a brutal homicide and tries to release his wrongfully accused ex-lover. Now, he is closer to the...
With Fear and Passion
The battle-scarred hero of the Greek Revolution, Giannos "Astrapogiannos", returns home after the end of the blood-soaked War of Independence, only...