A father on the search for his missing child discovers a revealing and shocking drama. The true adventures of thousands of juvenile criminals who...
City Rats
The Secret Weapon
"The Bandit" is a ruthless yet intelligent hitman, feared and respected by all crime bosses for his ability to carry out brutal assignments without...
El regreso de la suburban dorada
A young hitman is challenged by the city's top hired gun to see if he's worthy to take his place in the world.
Sicario: ejecución de mando
The daughter of the American Ambassador to Spain has been kidnapped. There is only one man who can save her.
Mario Almada returns as "el fiscal de hierro", in this entry his family is kidnapped by gang leader Ramona Pineda.
El Fiscal De Hierro 3
A man is killed and his friend is charged for the crime but he isn't guilty, he must now find the real murderer.
Absuelto para matar
Esclavo y amo
Santo: la leyenda del enmascarado de plata
The Ultimate Happiness
A police officer hunts down a vicious psycho / serial killer.
The Murderer
The mafia has to end in a place where they will gather together to have fun. When the supposed "party of the badasses" occurs, official groups in...
La Fiesta De Los Perrones