Satyam, a moneylender's son, is supposed to marry his neighbour's daughter Subbulu. However, complications arise when Satyam lands in jail due to...
Mayalokam is a 1945 Telugu-language film produced and directed by Gudavalli Ramabrahmam under the Sarathi Films banner. It stars Akkineni Nageswara...
After King Siddhoji's wife instigates him against his three nephews named Somoji, Subandhi and Firoji, a series of unfortunate events occur.
Mugguru Maratilu
The film revolves around couples - Dr. Chandra Shekar and Parvathi ahead Venu and Lakshmi. Charana Daasi (transl. Wife) is a 1956 Indian...
Charana Daasi
Venkatesam decides to get his nine-year-old daughter married to a rich old man, Lubdhavadhanlu, for large sums of money. However, Karataka Sastry...
Panduranga Mahatyam is a 1957 Telugu film directed by Kamalakara Kameswara Rao and starring N. T. Rama Rao playing the role of Pundarika. The Lyrics...
Panduranga Mahatyam
Based on a Gudipati Venkatachalam story, it is a social drama showcasing the discrimination against scheduled castes through a love story between a...
Mala Pilla