Loganathan, a senior cop is asked to mentor Prakash, an academically bright but faint-hearted rookie and this unlikely duo team up to investigate a...
Por Thozhil
A coming-of-age, drama about an adolescent girl growing up between the values of occidental and traditional cultures, whose aspirations of becoming a...
Following six years of love, longing & togetherness, Arun and Divya start to drift apart.Will their love endure their differences, or does love...
When a young Naxal Revolutionary (Activist) and a Policeman, from contrasting walks of life, meet at a point, it creates an extraordinary moment. An...
A travel junkie with no one particular identity to himself creates a chaos when he sets out to help a group to rescue their friend.
Gulu Gulu
A refreshing tale of a bunch of high school students, their dreams, first love, music, guitar, football, video cassettes and more.
Mudhal Nee Mudivum Nee
Manikandan and Sindhu, final year college students, become parents accidentally. Situations separate them, forcing Manikandan to raise his child,...
Shebin Backer Production No 11