The film revolves around a local egyptian wedding, and followed by the popular customs andtraditions and special gifts that are exchanged between...
The Wedding
An aspiring boxer Adham is thriving to become a successful professional. He falls in love with a girl, Mai, living in a slum, who suffers from her...
Born to a Man
A new guy who falls in love with a girl he meets, loses his memory when she accidently hit him with her car; the doctor advices his father to repeat...
Young Lovers
Henedy plays Taimor, a Young man studies music. He loves his colleague and intends to marry her. Her mother, who believes in magic, refuses their...
Me or My Aunt
An unassuming fruit seller is assigned a crucial mission with regional implications and emerges as an international hero.
El Fil Fel Mandil
When three sisters inherit a cabaret named Bonne Soirée, two of them are thrilled with the influx of money it grants them but the third...
Bonne Soirée
Ashour, Salaah’s father, runs his school with severity and cruelty. after Ashour's death, Salah inherits the job and lets Sayed, his deputy,...
The Headmaster
The film follows a young girl “Yasmin Abdel Aziz” who is searching for a husband, due to her constant loneliness and feelings of...
Martial Marriage