A gritty coming of age thriller about a young girl sent to juvenile prison for the murder of her abusive step father. The film follows Anna Nix's...
When the crew of the Enterprise is called back home, they find an unstoppable force of terror from within their own organization has detonated the...
Star Trek Into Darkness
In WWII, a squad of U.S. African-American soldiers are sent on a rescue mission behind enemy lines to locate their lost commanding officer and a...
Come Out Fighting
In an alternate future, an idealistic teen fights to expose the secrets of a corrupt system, unaware that someone is always watching.
They Watch
During the last days of World War II, Germany, desperate for any last grasp to defeat the allied powers, looked to their last remaining weapons and...
Operation Seawolf
In Eden, a society where homosexuality is seen as not only a sin but also a disease, a longstanding government agency detains and imprisons...
Three scouts and lifelong friends join forces with one badass cocktail waitress to become the world’s most unlikely team of heroes. When their...
Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse
A district attorney who, tapped to replace the outgoing mayor, is stalked by a man who engineers her fall from grace, leading her to push back and...
Anatomy of Deception
Carrie Evans, a beautiful young attorney with aspirations to become partner like her fiancee Steven Riggs, learns some disturbing facts about her...
A Father's Secret
In November of 1918 as World War I was ending, a unit of American soldiers goes behind enemy lines to find a lost platoon of African American...
The Great War
Isaac LeMay, a murderous outlaw, learns he is cursed by a prophecy: one of his children will kill him. To prevent this, he hunts down each of his...
The Last Son
The story of a man, his pregnant wife and his animated alter ego, MARRIED YOUNG is a poignant comedy about what it takes for a husband not to be a...
Married Young