The storm team is ambushed by the ghost team during the escort mission. The captain, Gao Zhan (played by Yu Rongguang), escapes from death under the...
Sniper: Vengeance
This drama tells the story of how the police arranged for special forces member Tang Shiyu to get close to the sister of drug lord Zhao Wenjiu in...
Spicy Police Flower 1
Spicy Police Flower 2
Spicy Police Flower 3
The Iron Fan Order
The Heshuo Misty Clouds
The film tells the story of narcotics police officer Huang Mingjin and the "mysterious figure" Wei Yunzhou. Through completely different means and...
Hunt the Wicked
Four friends who find themselves in a small boat and circled by a blood-thirsty shark must devise a plan to survive or become it’s next meal.
Red Water
Criminal investigator Shen Ke encountered continuous disappearance cases. Under the guidance of Captain Liu Ling investigator one by one to crack the...
Life and Death
Due to changes in ocean currents, shark activity appeared near a certain diving area, but the traces are unknown. Doctor Shen Xin was invited to...
Huge Shark
Anti-drug cop Cao Renfan is searching for the truth about a new type of drug that is spreading in Lianjiang City. Undercover agent Feng Yun is doing...
Top Secret Pursuit
A retired bodyguard fights a deadly duel with criminals to save his daughter. Da Rong was once one of Southeast Asia's top bodyguards, but failed in...
Break Through