George Barton is a construction worker who lives with his daughter Amelia. His entire adult life, he has held a secret: being illiterate. When an...
George Barton
A young woman revisits her family home desperate to discover her sister Evie's murderer 20 years before. After a series of terrifying encounters with...
The Ghost Within
Hector is a widower who owns a corner shop with his young daughter Cleo. With the threat of a new 'Hypermark' opening, Hector battles for the store's...
A Fluorescent Sky
On Halloween night, in a women’s shelter, 7-year-old Lynn sulks about missing her old house and dares to leave her mother’s bed in a...
In a House, At Night
A short drama film.
Harold & Laila
A girl has to save her little sister from a cannibal shadow monster, trapped in a maze that her fear created.
To My Beloved Sister
Two boys vow to invent time travel in order to go back in time prove it to themselves; but at what cost?
A Future Where No One Remembers You