Hanan works as a secretary for Shawkat, a businessman who trades in weapons. Despite being watched by the police and constant attacks from the...
The Age of Wolves
Kawthar leaves her fiancé Ahmed and marries the wealthy Shamis, the owner of the factory where her father works, after a quarrel broke out...
Neither a Devil Nor an Angel
Officer Hussein dies in a terrorist operation, and his friend, broadcaster Sameh, takes care of raising his son Tamer, who saw his parents killed in...
The Two Friends
An officer balancing his marriage and police responsibilities releases a prisoner temporarily with the aim of using him to find and capture his old...
Hanafy Al Obaha
Dr. Hanan the psychiatrist postpones her wedding to Dr. Omar till she checks up on three patients having different problems, but it revolves around...
The Genius and Love
Depicts the escape of a poor innocent girl fleeing from three savage rapists.
Laila, the daughter of the rich man Fouad, meets Mamdouh, the ladies man, and falls in love with him. Mamdouh proposes to her but her father refuses,...
Rescue This Family
Kamal marries Dalal despite the rejection of his father, Omar Bey. Kamal dies in a tragic accident and his father kicks Dalal out and takes away her...
The White Dress
based on Oscar Wilde's Lady Windermere's Fan.
Two women
Said and Nabil are friends. Said can't have children, and Dr. Nabil decides to help him by transplanting part of the brain of poor man Abdul Qawi to...
Monsters Run
Gaber Abdel Ghaffar lives on stealing merchandise in Alexandria port, and one day he gets arrested and deported to the army to perform military...
The Well of Treason
A number of obstacles stands in the way of a young couple as only 10 days are left for their wedding, each obstacle is in one way or another caused...
10 Days Before the Wedding
A beautiful pickpocket works with a gang to steal jewelry. During one of the gang's operations, the police discover their presence and chase them....
The Barefoot Millionaire