Famous detective Feluda meets Som, who tells him about a notorious drug ring in Kathmandu. When Som is found murdered soon after, Feluda, along with...
Jato Kando Kathmandute
Apu, a 17-year-old boy's relationship with his parents is tested as he discovers teenage rebellion and fun in the company of Durga, a cool but...
Generation Aami
Sheyal Debota Rahasya is a Mystery, Thriller TV Film of Feluda Series. This film is about The Anubis Mystery. Feluda must solve the Mystery case.
Sheyal Debota Rahasya
Bosepukure Khunkharapi is a TV movie of Feluda Series. This film is based on the "Acharya Murder Case". Fedula and his assistant Topse solve the case.
Bosepukure Khunkharapi
The trio of Feluda, Jatayu, and Tapesh have been invited to Panihati to investigate the case of Jahangir's missing gold coin. The client, Shankar...
Jahangirer Swarnamudra
A bookshop in Calcutta's park street. Executive Bipin chowdhury noses around for his favorite diet of mystery fiction. Flipping through titles, he...
Bipin Choudhurir Smritibhram