Young filmmaker is looking for a story for his first feature film. In an attempt to obtain the copyright for a novel, the young man accepts the...
Até a Vista
A coming of age dramatic comedy dealing with the effect that two "summers" have on the lives of several teenagers. The main story involves an...
Two Summers
Two friends try to get to a restaurant for dinner and get lost in the labyrinth of bars, walls and fences in a city.
Ângelo Anda Sumido
Ciba (Rodrigo Santoro) is an independent investigator who works together with the police. A typical fallible hero who struggles with strong personal...
Homens de Bem
Written in 1625 by the British playwright Ben Jonson, the play “The Staple of News” provides a historic root for this discussion about...
The Staple of News
Três Vezes por Semana
João e Maria na Cidade