Claire de La Tour Picquet shares her life between her husband, the successful novelist William Brandeis, and her lover, Jacques Lalouet, William's...
The Twist
This thoughtful French film tells of the events leading to a young man's attempt at suicide. As Raymond (Richard Bohringer) sits on a ledge of his...
The Italian of the Roses
Roland des Roncesvalles is a legendary knight from the age of chivalry in France. In the 11th-century epic La Chanson de Roland, he is depicted as a...
The Song of Roland
A young woman comes to despise her lover because his bike has just broken down.
Jeanne et la Moto
Antonin is a young French soldier who returns home from World War I to recover from his wounds. When he falls in love with a young widow, Antonin...
The story is based around "spermulites", the alien inhabitants of a dying planet. The only way they can save their planet is by sucking the men of...
A businessman leaves his country home, and wife and young son for a business trip to Paris. While there he develops a sexual and spiritual bond with...
The Margin