When a group of teenagers stumble upon a secret lab, they become part of a deadly experiment - The Recreator - evil human clones. Craig, Tracy and...
CLONED: The Recreator Chronicles
A street-wise teen from Baltimore who has been raised by a single mother travels to New York City to spend the Christmas holiday with his estranged...
Black Nativity
Three undocumented teenagers, a Dominican girl, an African boy and a Peruvian girl, are about to graduate high school in the Bronx, while working...
From Nowhere
This romantic fantasy movie is about two people who are the last survivors of an ancient line of goddess worshipers, who sell art at a shop. When...
The Last Keepers
After her son Kevin commits a horrific act, troubled mother Eva reflects on her complicated relationship with her disturbed son as he grew from a...
We Need to Talk About Kevin
Inspired by a true story, Mr. Talented follows a space-obsessed photographer whose life and sanity unravels as he struggles to make a name for...
Mr. Talented
Recently released from prison, Beth is working with her public defender to get her son back from her sister, who was awarded legal custody while Beth...
Who We Are Now
Pax discovers his best friend's true alliance.
Real Talk
Inspired by true events, The Zoo is a short film highlighting the black experience during the Holocaust. This particular journey follows the unlikely...
The Zoo
It's 2068 and Evelyn, a revolutionary, must lead her team of insurgents to send a message through time before artificially intelligent law...
The lovely, slightly macabre, Seducia Darkly has some problems with her old deceased relatives. While she is trying to sort out their differences she...
Treasures of Terror Vol 2