This 8-episode miniseries, like Franju's previous Feuillade homage, Judex, was written by and stars the silent filmmaker's grandson, Jacques...
L'Homme sans visage
In 1870s Scotland mining engineer James Starr is asked by former colleague Simon Ford, who's living inside the abandoned Aberfoyle mine, to help...
The Black Indies
This story is set in the 13th century, in Britain, where Lancelot, who was raised by Vivian, the Lady of the Lake, becomes one the Knight of the...
Lancelot of the Lake
While filming on location in Tahiti, a small-time actor seizes an opportunity to make it big, but the attention may be more than he bargained for.
The Executioner of Hearts
Gwen is a young girl adopted by a nomad tribe in a desert post-apocalyptic world. When Gwen's friend is kidnapped, she and an old woman called...
Gwen, or the Book of Sand
Louis Bourdin est employé à la RATP le jour, romancier la nuit, avec une forte prédilection pour le genre policier. Un jour, il...
The Big Swag