Set in 1901, this period epic follows Willem Morkel, a Boer family man whose wife and son are murdered during the Anglo-Boer War. Captured as a...
Blood and Glory
Suma-Lee is a divorced single mom who is already struggling when she loses her job as a fashion designer and on top of that hears her slimy...
Gebokste Liefde
Humans and Transformers are at war. Optimus Prime is gone. The key to saving our future lies buried in the secrets of the past, in the hidden history...
Transformers: The Last Knight
Lara Croft, the fiercely independent daughter of a missing adventurer, must push herself beyond her limits when she finds herself on the island where...
Tomb Raider
A retired special forces agent must battle a group of vengeful psychopaths and the African wilderness to get back to her daughter.
Hunting Jessica Brok