The unusual bond between a blind female writer and an acclaimed poet changes their lives and forms an exceptional creative cooperation, free of...
A Few People, a Little Time
On an ordinary winter's day, various people from outside Warsaw come to the Polish capital city for different reasons. They all have something to...
A young man, to ensure that he will pass the high school maturity test convinces his girlfriend to help him steal the answer sheets.
To my
A story of high-ranking party members from the 1970s embroiled in political deception.
Po upadku
Roberto is a young Cuban who is visiting Poland. And times are not merry - the Cuban conflict is about to begin. His stay is not successful, so...
O rany, nic się nie stało!!!
When an unhappily married woman meets a renowned scientist online, the two start to fall for each other as they exchange romantic emails.
Loneliness in the Net
Droga do raju
Two years after the war, during a train trip, Henryk (20) recollects the occupation period. He passes different train stations and recollects various...
The Leaves Have Fallen