Brutally abused by his parents, teenage Thomas finds comfort in associating with a film director who is making a documentary about physical child...
The lonely Jeruza lives in a simple isolated house by the seaside with the siblings Cassandra and Ulisses and the family survives by selling...
A Fêmea do Mar
Sinal Vermelho - As Fêmeas
An anthology horror film, divided in three segments, directed by three of the most important Brazilian directors of the 20th century.
Trilogy of Terror
Zé do Caixão hosts this anthology of three short horror stories which feature a strange dollmaker, a necrophiliac balloon seller with a...
The Strange World of Coffin Joe
A discussion on Brazilian cinema, focusing on São Paulo's Boca do Lixo production pole.
Boca Aberta
O Porão das Condenadas