Henry Jekyll is a young science student who, along with his friend Mary, experiments with various drugs and compounds in order to create a...
Jekyll + Hyde
Critical Assembly is based on two college students (Katherine Heigl and Kerr Smith) who build a nuclear device, which is stolen by a fellow student....
Critical Assembly
A screenwriter suffering from writers block decides to lock himself in his apartment for 18 days in order to meet a career-making deadline. His...
Final Draft
In 1951, a cheating scandal rocks West Point academy, as 83 cadets -- including the son of the school's football coach (Glenn) -- are implicated and...
Code Breakers
Mona Parsons, a partisan World War II Allied agent in the Netherlands escapes execution and later imprisonment by the Nazis.
Heritage Minutes: Mona Parsons
Sometimes, when you think you have it all, everything falls apart. That is exactly the story of Jeanne .Just when she is offered the chance to dub...
A shy teenager on a summer vacation experiences the joy and pain of young adulthood when he forges an unlikely bond with an older girl.
Falcon Lake
A couple on a deep-wilderness hike become hopelessly lost within an aggressive black bear's territory.
A divorced woman finds sexual liberation through online dating.
The Secret Sex Life of a Single Mom
Erin, a struggling actress, has little faith in men. She works for a detective agency, her job is to seduce married men and let their wives catch...
A sexy young hospice nurse, is hired by a wealthy man to care for his sick wife who eventually dies. When the nurse becomes the widower's new bride...
Widow on the Hill
George Murray's fiancée Jane Gardner gets cold feet after accepting his ring, terrorized by her first wedding with Doug, who cheated that very...
Before You Say 'I Do'
Allison Winters' world falls apart when her husband dies of a sudden heart attack, announcing on his death bed that he has a secret family. Six...
A Killer in My Home
A deranged prison warden with a nasty habit of killing escapees forces the boyfriends of his teenage twin daughters into a shotgun wedding, after...
Free Money
A successful, big city girl returns to her small town roots after a family emergency. Once there she goes on a soulful journey to reconnect with...
Reel Love