The relationship between António and Ruth ends unexpectedly when Ruth decides to live with Pedro, António's best friend. António...
When It Thunders
At the end of the seventeenth century, in Naples, still dominated by the Spaniards, a young pupil, Balthasar,is castrated to preserve the purity and...
La leyenda de Balthasar el Castrado
Blanche, a social worker living in Southern France is assigned the case of a five year old deaf boy, who is found by a Gypsy lady after having been...
L'Enfant du secret
Da Invicta ao Sonoro
One night Jorge will meet with a Japanese industrialist, who will allow him to abandon his teaching position and resume his chemical work. However,...
Poor George
A documentary about the world of portuguese cinema, with interviews with some critics and directors.
A Portuguese Film
In 1931, a young soldier deserts from the army and falls into a country farm, where he is welcomed by the owner due to his political ideas. Manolo...
Belle Époque
In mid-September 1992, journalist Guida Fontes have to go to Luanda to cover the elections in Angola. In the meantime, she had committed herself to...
He was the most prolific within the New Portuguese Cinema generation. He would try western spaghetti, esoteric allegory, supernatural, and...
In the Interstices of Reality or The Cinema of António de Macedo