Plagued by frightening occurrences in their home, Kelly and Ben learn that a university's parapsychology experiment produced an entity that is now...
The Apparition
Anne is determined to find a place to call home, but she soon discovers that New York City's realty market is satiated with sleazy brokers, strange...
Just days from signing divorce papers, Hank and Alexandra give their relationship one final shot by playing a game with only one rule: no matter what...
You Can't Say No
The Black Ghiandola is a story about a young man risking his life to save a young girl he has grown to love, after his family has been killed in the...
The Black Ghiandola
Dawn is a quiet young teenager who longs for something or someone to free her from her sheltered life.
Robert Neville is a scientist who was unable to stop the spread of the terrible virus that was incurable and man-made. Immune, Neville is now the...
I Am Legend
Jane is recently sober and trying to get her life back together when her childhood habit of sleepwalking suddenly reappears, re-blurring the line...
A young girl's Christmas wish is fulfilled and complicated.
A Heart for Christmas