The film follows the travels and accounts of Mark Chapman (Jonas Ball) and gives the watcher an insight into his mind. It starts with him in Hawaii...
The Killing of John Lennon
When Joshua moves to the outskirts of Auburn, he awakens the curiosity of the sleepy town. They don’t know who he is or where he came from, but...
Identical twins are born, one is good and one is evil. They need each-other to exist, but they deeply resent the others existence. They both fall in...
A 4-year-old boy is abducted by aliens and raised on a distant planet to be an unstoppable killing machine only to crash land on Earth.
November 2011. Greece collapses financially. Prime Minister Papandreu announces a Referendum initiative on his austerity plan. In the meantime, the...
This Is Reality
Pete, an eight-year-old Catholic boy growing up in the suburbs of Chicago in the mid-1970s, attends Catholic school, where as classes let out for the...
Stolen Summer
A mouthy and feisty taxicab driver has hot tips for a green and inept cop set on solving a string of New York City bank robberies committed by a...
An aspiring young photographer finds himself caught up in a heady world of money, sex, and privilege when he moves to wealthy Long Island in the...