This documentary, made over a period of eight years, tells the remarkable story of an extremely influential rock'n'roll band. Starting from their...
MC5: A True Testimonial
Off The Road (directed by Laurence Petit-Jouvet): Peter Kowald on the road in the US, a road movie.
Off the Road
Documentary looking at how Detroit became home to a musical revolution that captured the sound of a nation in upheaval. In the early 60s, Motown...
Motor City's Burning: Detroit from Motown to the Stooges
Kick Out the Jams features many never before seen films of the MC5 as created by Leni Sinclair & conceptual artist Cary Loren during the peak of...
MC5: Kick Out the Jams
A look at post-industrial Detroit and its burgeoning urban agricultural movement.
Requiem for Detroit?
Filmmaker Morley Markson shows Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, Allen Ginsberg, Timothy Leary, and other '60s rebels, then and now in a follow up to his...
Growing Up in America