This heroic story follows the life of Karol Wojtyla, a Polish Roman catholic who ascends the throne of St. Peter as Pope John Paul II. As a young...
From a Far Country
A small mining community in South Wales and a group of gay activists from London forge an unlikely alliance at the height of the miners' strike in...
Striking with Pride: United at the Coalface
Dancing in Dulias was made by members of Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners (LGSM) and Lesbians Against Pit Closures during and immediate after the...
All Out! Dancing in Dulais
AFTER 82 brings to the screen the untold personal stories of the AIDS crisis in the UK. Narrated by Dominic West, this incredible documentary looks...
After 82
World War II, 1943. Mallory and Miller, the heroes who destroyed the guns of Navarone, are sent to Yugoslavia in search of a ghost from the past.
Force 10 from Navarone
A middle-aged professor's young bride and his assistant plan to commit a double murder disguised as a "Crime Passionel", but discover too late that...
Praying Mantis