In a small Spanish town, during the Christmas holidays, a group of rich old ladies organize a peculiar event that consists of inviting a homeless...
Don Anselmo, a retired old man, decides to buy a motorized disabled stroller since all his pensioner friends own one. His family strongly refuses him...
The Wheelchair
Fray Escoba
Ella y los veteranos
San Ginés de la Sierra is a small village lost in the mountains in southern Spain. It is known throughout the region for two peculiar...
La becerrada
Pablo, a renowned writer, womanizer and in his forties meets Paula, a young and beautiful admirer of his work. He falls in love with her and proposes...
El sexto sentido
After killing his girl friend, Ana, Amador (a dark and strange man) joins his family (which he can't stand) in Torremolinos, where he gets involved...
Lorenzo is a young man who has just returned to Salamanca (Spain) from England, where he fell in love with Berta, a girl daughter of exiled parents...
Nine Letters to Berta