Produced by ABC 7 Bay Area. A world renowned JFK assassination researcher comes to a shocking conclusion: Lee Harvey Oswald did not fire the fatal...
JFK Unsolved: The Real Conspiracies
On June 3, 1973, a man was murdered in a busy intersection of San Francisco’s Chinatown as part of an ongoing gang war. Chol Soo Lee, a...
Free Chol Soo Lee
On the 48th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Errol Morris explores the story behind the one man seen standing under an...
The Umbrella Man
Josiah “Tink” Thompson discusses the Kennedy assassination, the nature of truth and photographic evidence in this short film from...
November 22, 1963
Fourteen years in the making, the film uses never before seen interviews, archival footage, and recently declassified documents to chronicle the past...
The Searchers