Young and ambitious Captain Vivés has just been appointed group leader at the Grenoble Criminal Squad when Clara's murder case lands on his...
The Night of the 12th
A group of friends reunites three years after sharing a profound chapter of their lives; Chiara, Louis, and Rose spend the evening in Reda's workshop...
Nos Cabanes
Two female students are thrown for a loop when a man joins their final thesis project
Through a short film bringing together those who will embody the cinema of tomorrow, Yolande Zauberman captures the joy, the beauty and the plurality...
The Revelations 2021
Jean, in his fifties, has lost his lust for life. He leaves Canada for a faraway country, somewhere in Europe. A beautiful place to end his days, he...
Hôtel Silence
L'épreuve du feu
Telling the true story of Marvin Bijou, a young boy from a working-class family in a small village, who suffers constant bullying at school and home...
Reinventing Marvin
Ten years have gone by since Elena's six-year old son has disappeared. The last thing she heard of him was a phone call he gave her, saying that he...
In 1993, Max was 13 when he was offered his first camera. For 25 years he will not stop filming. The bunch of friends, the loves, the successes, the...