The Sense of mystery film is portrayed through the story of the reality game show "Check-In Shock" from ordinary people who are obsessed with prize...
Check-in Shock
After graduation from university, childhood friends Ann, Joy, Koi, Mam and Joom move on to follow their respective career paths. They reunite again...
Sin Sisters
A mysterious spirit spreads terror in a village where a cheerful ghost child yearns to befriend human children.
Daeng Phra Khanong
Before ringing in the new year, a man heads to Bangkok for a job opportunity but chaos ensues when his girlfriend and her brother decide to take a...
Happy New Year Happy New You
Rang and Peng, Two of the most ruthless criminals break out of a high-security jail to recover the “September’s Diamond” which was...
Saranae Love You
Because no one has ever died, Win, a young man who had just died, had to become a Ghost Rookie. He accidentally came across Fah Klai, the goddess,...
Ghost Rookie
When old friends from school start dying one by one, Sayree and Nataya begin to search for the secret of the letter that each of their friends...
The Letters of Death
The story centers around five attractive girls who find themselves trapped in an unfamiliar place with a strange voice telling them that one of them...
Sin Sisters 2
Adult Singha receives a call from Jack, a friend from school. Jack sets up a high school reunion where young Singha meets with the rest of his...
KogaLoak Village
Boom Radio 90 MHz, a late night horror radio program, has set up and expedition tour by taking their listeners to some haunted place. This time the...
90 Shock
Three women meet in a cafe and tell each other ghost stories, from a story of an ancient drum with a hidden past, a magic love potion so strong that...
Bangkok Haunted
This the sequal to the 2007 movie of the same name. This time it features Jer, a smart dog that has been adopted by a nice family. But things turn...
Mid-Road Gang 2
A Thai comedy about two lazy, quirky bikers who discover than an alien has infested Thailand. The buddies find themselves reluctant heroes when they...
How They Save the World!
Two students dissect the dead body of a pregnant woman to turn her unborn baby into a dark magic charm which they believe can grant their wishes. Not...
The Snow White
When the temple near Teng's hometown had problems, Teng had to leave the peace that he used to have as a safe zone while in Tibet to come back and...
The Holy Man Comeback
30-year-old Pong, a single father struggling to look after, and be a role model for, his 7-year-old daughter. Chaos ensues when Pong and his friends...
The One Ticket
Ing is dumped by her long-time boyfriend when she's at the ripe old age of 32. A fortune teller tells Ing that if she doesn't find a man soon, then...
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