An alien from Venus tries to take over the world with the help of a disillusioned human scientist, as his wife, his best friend and the friend's wife...
It Conquered the World
In 1700, a Spanish princess travels from New Mexico to California with ruthless outlaw El Tigre as guide.
Kiss of Fire
A young singer's chance at fame is threatened by his hoodlum pals.
The Beatniks
In this feature version of the Swedish TV series "13 Demon Street," a 50,000-year-old woman is found frozen in an ice field, and a man's death is...
The Devil's Messenger
Peter Stirling (with his old friend the talking mule) is recalled to active duty...in the WACs!
Francis Joins the WACS
Poe's fiance, Lenore, falls into a coma and is taken for dead. She is rescued at the last possible moment from being buried alive, but the experience...
The Spectre of Edgar Allan Poe