A psychological thriller that centers on a writer who is trying to move forward from her past suicide attempt. When the Suicide Survivors Association...
Zombie Apocalypse
Set in the 1800's of Scotland when servants didn't rise above their station comes a love story for the ages. As the master of Stratton castle lies...
Stratton Castle: Tale of Jessie Goldenheart
On the run from the police, his desire to end his career and leave the city is dismissed by fellow artists Maurice Utrillo, Chaim Soutine, and...
Modì, Three Days on the Wing of Madness
Two actresses, studying The Sanford Meisner Acting Technique, get paired to work together despite their dislike of each other. They are assigned by...
Getting Meisnered
Hope, an Architect, loses her grandmother suddenly. When Hope returns to her hometown to close out her grandmother’s affairs, she learns there...
Letters From the Heart
Diane is not ready to date but also does not want to attend a work event alone. Her sister suggests a rent-a-date where she can hire a fake...
Psycho Escort
Shortly after her family moves to a new town, a teenage girl vanishes. Her mother takes it upon herself to search for her daughter, which puts her on...
Kidnapped by a Classmate