Set in San Tiburon, the world's most dangerous maximum-security penitentiary and home to the world's most treacherous superpowered criminals, where...
Corrective Measures
As Christmas approaches, Paula, a St. Louis antique appraiser, reluctantly accepts a marriage proposal from her boyfriend, Daniel, a career-focused...
A Godwink Christmas
Multiple coincidences and a chance meeting bring together Alice and Jack, two strangers from very different family backgrounds, for an unexpected...
A Godwink Christmas: Meant For Love
Two competing TV hosts are sent to a festive small town over Christmas. While pretending to get along for the sake of appearances, they discover that...
Good Morning Christmas!
As Hannah and Mike experience engaged life while balancing their busy careers, a murder at a 24-hour gym complicates their wedding planning.
Sweet Revenge: A Hannah Swensen Mystery
When Callie returns home, she finds her hometown has changed - her first love has a new girl and her family's BBQ restaurant has hit hard times. She...
Roadhouse Romance