A journey through the memories of teenager Paul Varderman as he reflects on the events leading to the fatal moment his life is cut short. Paul moves...
The Knife That Killed Me
Jean moves to a riverside cottage in an effort to escape her violent husband. There she meets Redfern, a married stonemason, with whom she forms a...
Stone, Scissors, Paper
Follows Hamed from his humble beginnings on the tough working-class streets of Sheffield and his discovery by Ingle, himself a steel industry worker...
Deric Longden and his wife, Aileen, come to terms with the fact that his mother, Annie, is getting too old to live on her own. Annie suffers her...
Lost for Words
A Yorkshire coal mine is threatened with closure and the only hope is for the men to enter their Grimley Colliery Brass Band into a national...
Brassed Off